Monday 6 February 2017

Do What You Love & Love What You Do

In a nutshell, my philosophy comes down to this: Do what you love and love what you do. Life is too short to spend it doing anything other than what you love.

But that is only the beginning if we are to be successful in life we must learn to do what we love. We also have to make an effort to love what we do. Whether life brings us a fast food dinner or a banquet, we have to be grateful for the opportunity to do our best.

Through Mommy Mentors I will be helping women connect, share and learn from one another. Seeing women make these strides towards empowerment and renewed happiness will bring me satisfaction that is far greater than any computer program ever could.

Let me explain the second part-- love what you do. If we become negative we start to take instead of give, draining others and ourselves of life and power. By loving whatever we are doing, and giving it our all, regardless of whether it is of our conscious choosing or not, we remain positive; we remain kind; and we remain capable of caring for ourselves and working toward that ultimate in successful living-- doing what we love.

It is not easy summing up a life and defining it in one or two pages. Philosophers throughout recorded history from Plato to Descartes to Newton, Hume, Spinoza, Hegel and Mill have found it necessary to write great, long volumes explaining what they believe and how they arrived at their personal truths. In the next few minutes I am going to try and tell you what I believe in, how I came to believe the way I do, and how these beliefs have affected my life.

In a nutshell, my philosophy comes down to this: Do what you love and love what you do. Life is too short to spend it doing anything other than what you love. By loving whatever we are doing, and giving it our all, regardless of whether it is of our conscious choosing or not, we remain positive; we remain kind; and we remain capable of caring for ourselves and working toward that ultimate in successful living-- doing what we love. Today and every day, with my goal of doing what I love in mind, I work at loving what I do. If we are to be successful in life we must learn to do what we love, but that is only the beginning.

Today and every day, with my goal of doing what I love in mind, I work at loving what I do. Because I am loving what I do, wherever I am and whoever I am with, I try to be kind, and give generously of my self, and to treat everyone who comes into my life with respect, consideration, compassion and kindness.

I developed this philosophy out of the experiences and incidents of my life. For me this translated into Mommy Mentors Mentors. Mommy Mentors' partners use the power of their own real life experiences to give hope and inspiration to those who need it.

Is This Love or Emotional Dependency?

One of my clients, whose ex-girlfriend recently broke up with him, asked me the following question:

When you fall in love from the wounded self-- the ego self-- you are in love with how the other person loves you. It is not so much the person you love, but how he or she loves you. The part of you that is "in love" is really a child or adolescent who is needy for love because you are not giving love to yourself or to others.

When you fall in love from the wounded self-- the ego self-- you are in love with how the other person loves you. It is not so much the person you love, but how he or she loves you. The part of you that is "in love" is really a child or adolescent who is needy for love because you are not giving love to yourself or to others. Two people who each want to get love rather than share love will eventually find themselves very disappointed with each other. Instead of needing to get love, you can give love from the heart for the joy of it and feel filled in the giving.

Two people who each want to get love rather than share love will eventually find themselves very disappointed with each other. They will each blame the other for not loving them in the way they want to be loved.

You will be able to love another person for who he or she is rather than for what this person can do for you. Instead of needing to get love, you can give love from the heart for the joy of it and feel filled in the giving.

" I think I still love her, but is this love or just emotional dependency? Because (for me at least) it feels as if I can't live without the other person, many times I ask myself if falling in love comes from the wounded self. When I give love from the heart I don't expect anything back, but when I fall in love I think this is a different energy."

When a loving adult is choosing than when your wounded self is choosing, the kind of person you will pick will be totally different. The people we pick have a similar level of woundedness and a similar level of emotional health. Obviously, the more you have done your inner work to connect with Divine Love and bring that love within to take loving care of yourself, the more you will be attracted to someone also does this.

Instead of needing someone to fill you and make you feel worthy and lovable, you already feel worthy and full of love. This fullness overflows and you want to share this love with another person, another loving adult who is also filled with love. Your desire is to share love rather than to get love.